Shorefishes of the Eastern Pacific online information system

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  • very slender, compressed
    tan + fine dots
    head pores in dark rings
    tail 75% TL
    pectoral long, slender
  • tail 60% TL
    eye large
    no head barbels
    uniform dark above, front nostrils white
    rear nostril a hole + flap
    D origin well behind pectoral
  • robust
    wide, indistinct dark bars
  • slender
    snout long, pointed
    large eye
    pores head & LL in dark spots
    tail 74-80% TL
    pectoral long, slender
  • head pores in black rings
    body: ~ 10 narrow pale bars
    tail 63-65% TL
    pectoral long, pointed
  • head: no barbels, pores in black rings
    D - origin after paddle-like pectoral
    tail ~ 60% TL
    body - thin pale bars
  • robust
    LL pores in white spots
    tail 56-62% TL
    pectoral elongate, pointed, black
  • body striated, robust
    eye large
    body: 2 rows dark spots
    D - dark streaks
    tail 56-62% TL
    rear nostril: large flat tube
    pectoral like spatula
  • rear nostril - tubular
    pectoral = paddle
    vomer teeth - 2 rows
    D origin behind pectoral
  • robust
    eye large
    body: 2 rows dark spots
    outer D - dark spots
    tail 53-58% TL
    rear nostril - long flap
  • elongate
    gill opening & fins dark
    tail 63-70% TL
    rear nostril barbels: 1 before, 1-2 after
    pectoral long, pointed