Shorefishes of the Eastern Pacific online information system

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  • eye: 1 simple cirrus
    D notched
    males: black head, red snout, yellow cirri
  • eye - 1 simple cirrus
    D notched
    male: dark + rows white spots;
    side head - white bars
    female: light + white spots, clear fins
  • 1 short eye cirrus
    Male: black head; operculum- white dots
    body: 3 rows dark blotches
    male D: front - white before black
  • eye: 1 cirrus
    D with notch
    male: black; operculum - ~ 4 white bars; D - front high, dark + white bars
    female: lower head - dark bars; front D - dark blotch
  • eye: 1 simple cirrus
    D notched
    male: brown head, D- 1st 3 spines long, + ocellus
    female: lines of brown dots under mouth, D-1st 3 spines slightly elongated
  • eye: 2 cirri (1 tiny)
    D notched
    male: head dark + white dots, cirri blue
    female: white blotches on head, front D white