Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean online information system

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  • eye: 1 unbranched cirrus
    D XII, no notch, 13-15
    canine rear of both jaws
    gill opening side & belly
    LL: 2 parts, 2nd part short
  • cirri: 1 branched over eye
    D XI-XIII, notch
    large rear canine: both jaws
    gill opening side only
    LL: 2 parts, ends over mid A
  • eye cirri - 1 branched
    D XI-XIII, small notch
    teeth fixed
    no rear canines
    gill opening - side only
    LL end under mid D
  • cirri: nape - 1pr bunches, eye - 1 simple
    D XII, no notch
    large canine rear bottom jaw
    gill opening side & belly
    LL: 2 parts, 2nd part short
  • eye - branched cirrus
    D XII, little/no notch, 17-18
    canine rear both jaws
    gill opening - side & belly
    pectoral 14
    LL short, ends under D spines
  • cirri - 2 rows along nape
    D XII, shallow notch
    canine rear lower jaw
    gill openings side & belly
    LL short arch over pectoral