Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean online information system

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  • body deep
    eye small, between eyes narrow + crest
    D ~68; A ~52
    eye-side many small white flecks
    LL straight, 52-55
  • between eyes not narrow, no bony ridge
    D 71-82; A 52-60
    top jaw 35-39% head
    lower head profile rounded
    gill rakers 21, 5-7 above
    LL straight, 42-49
  • wide, tapering oval
    adult head v wide, blunt, especially male
    v wide between eyes
    lower gill rakers long, slender, 18-24
    snout all scaled
  • elongate
    between eyes narrow, + ridge
    top jaw < 33% head
    front snout: bony horn
    LL straight, 37-43
  • between eyes: not narrow, no ridge
    1st D ray 22-29% head
    D 68-77: A 48-56
    top jaw 39-44% head
    lower head profile angular
    gill rakers: 18, 4-6 upper
    LL straight, 42-50
  • eyes large
    snout with spine
    male: long snout spine, long top pectoral ray
    eye-side pelvic 6
    pectoral base - dark
    LL straight, 40-45
    snout with scales
  • eyes large
    snout: spines
    male: long central D & A rays - > diamond shape
    male D & A: black blotch behind longest rays
    top jaw 39-44% head
    eye-side pelvic 5
    pectoral axil not dark
    LL straight, 33-37
    snout naked
  • body deep
    between eyes: narrrow + bony ridge
    D 79-82; A 59-63
    body & fins: dense, regularly arranged spots
    top jaw 39-44% head
    edge blind-side operculum: leaf-like cirri
    LL straight
  • body deep
    between eyes: narrow + bony crest
    D 69-74; A 54-56
    top jaw 27-29% head
    gill rakers short, flat, 6-7 below
    LL straight, 34-36
    snout not scaled
  • eye small, between eyes narrow + crest
    elongate oval
    D 76-84; A 57-63
    end tail base: dark spot
    lower head profile angular
    gill rakers 3-5 + 11-12
    LL straight, 43-47
  • body deep
    between eyes: narrow + bony crest
    D 78-86; A 60-66
    lower head profile angular
    gill rakers 3-5 + 7-9
    LL straight, 42-45