Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean online information system

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  • nape ridge black, dark bar under eye, dark snout tip
    upper body: dark mottling
    D VII, dark + opal center
    mouth reaches well under eye
    interoperculum no scales
  • jaws reach under eye
    pectoral 16
    D: VII, 24, height 7.5% SL
    grey + ~20 thin yellow bars
    C & rear D & A yellow
    pectoral axil: no dark spot
  • broad yellow patch under eye
    D VIII
    inner pectoral base yellow
    C yellow spots
    interoperculum scaled
  • upper back: dark reticulum
    nape ridge yellow
    D VII spiny membrane orange
    above pectoral base - black blotch
    C: lobes yellow
    interoperculum scaled
  • jaws reach to front edge eye
    pectoral 16-17
    D VII, 24, height 12% SL
    grey + ~22 thin yellow bars
    rear of D, A & C: yellow
    pectoral axil: dark spot
  • nape ridge dark + dark front crescent; dark bar under eye; dark snout tip
    upper body: brown/violet
    D VII, outer 1/2 yellowish
    over pectoral base - dark spot
    mouth short, to front edge eye
    interoperculum no scales
  • head deep, deep under eye
    mouth v short, not to under eye
    D VII
    C vertical rows yellow spots
    nape ridge black, snout blue
    blue bar: under eye to center mouth
    interoperculum no scales
  • eye small; mouth long
    D VIII
    nape ridge head color
    body: 17-20 yellow wavy bars
    C yellow below
    interoperculum no scales
  • body quadrangular, robust; head deep, square
    prominent crest with flap on nape
    operculum with blunt flap
    blue-grey + yellow spots
    C: 8-9 bars of yellow spots