Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean online information system

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  • dark + dense small pearl spots
    juv: yellow + dense small blue spots
    C: straight/slightly concave
  • body deep, very compressed
    forehead oblique
    D XI, 18-20, interspine membranes slightly indente
    dark + pale mottling/spots
    C straight
    pectorals > > pelvics
  • red-brown + irregular pale blotches & spots
    D, C & A: outer edge dark + white border
    D: high peak at spines II-III
    C: straight/slightly concave
    inside mouth red
  • brown+ dense pale spots & scattered large blotches.
    juv: body & fins black + white spots
  • dark brown, spiny D edge black
    juv: D edge black; tail base - deep black saddle
    D XI, spine III or IV longest
    nostrils: rear 3-5x front